Content Warnings for City of Reckoning

2 minutes, 26 seconds

My debut fantasy novel, City of Reckoning, is coming out really soon. (Eek!) But given that it’s a very dark, violent, and generally intense book, I’ve decided to provide some content/trigger warnings for anyone who might want them.

Let me be clear that this list is not complete. It just reflects some of the bigger things that I figured more people would want to know.

That being said, if you have questions about any specific kind of content that isn’t on this list, feel free to send me an email, or a DM on Twitter or Instagram. I’m more than willing to provide additional information to anyone who wants it.

Recommended Reading Age

Something to note: City of Reckoning features teenage protagonists, but it is not YA. Due to some of the themes and content, it is officially shelved as adult literature.

That’s not to say, though, that it is inappropriate for all teen readers. I definitely think mature teens will enjoy this story! Ultimately, it will depend on the individual reader.

The rest of this list should help clarify who the book will be a good fit for, and who it will not.


City of Reckoning has graphic descriptions of war violence. This violence is not exploitative or glorified, and always serves a narrative purpose, but is disturbing at times.

Violence rating: R

Sexual Content

Sexual content in City of Reckoning is light, and non-explicit when it does occur. But I do want to note a trigger warning for several scenes dealing with sexual assault (no on-page rape, but several frightening situations).

Sexual content rating: PG-13

Child Abuse

There is a brief scene of physical abuse against a child in the prologue. Another character recalls being physically abused when he was a child in Chapter 68.


Depictions of oppression, dehumanization, and racism against fictional peoples exist throughout the book. Such injustices are not mere set dressing, however; the story very much interrogates the cruelties of its fantasy society, and centers around characters fighting for a better world.

It’s worth mentioning that City of Reckoning includes firsthand experiences of slavery from one of the major POV characters. Also, I want to emphasize a trigger warning for a biracial slur and a racially-motivated violent attack. Both occur only once, in Chapter 10.

Drug Abuse

One of the protagonists is dealing with a drug addiction. This is a fantasy drug, but her struggles with addiction and withdrawal are a major part of the story.

Drug rating: PG-13


Mild language and fantasy swearing.

Language rating: PG-13

Cover for City of Reckoning shows a bat wing against a fiery background.

Once again, if you have questions on any of this or would like additional content warnings, just give me a shout!

City of Reckoning comes out September 21, 2021. Meanwhile you can read the first chapter, add it on Goodreads, get an advanced reader copy, or pre-order it. (Pre-ordering really helps debut and indie authors, so I thank you in advance for your support!)

Brianna da Silva

Brianna da Silva

Hi there! I'm a novelist and writer/director with a deep love for fantasy, horror, and other dark and epic tales. Here on the blog I'll share my adventures, evolving thoughts on storytelling, and general news and updates. I'm happy you're here!